Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ever since you walked away.....

:: I have so many thoughts running through my mind. My mind has been going into overdrive, I thought it might explode because it just wouldn't stop.

What was the real reason for this? Did you ever care about me? Does it hurt you too? Do you feel miserable too? How can you hold me and then turn your back on me? What is going through your mind?

:: I have stopped defending you. Because you give me no reason to continue defending your actions anymore. My friends call you a coward, a dousche bag, they call you stupid and crazy. Before, I still had reasons to stand up for you. There's no need for that now.

:: I am making plans to leave the country. It's a decision I can't not make. Everything that I do, anything which I see, places I go to, people I see, even my own house has your image and memories of us plastered all over them. I can't even bring myself to sit in my own living room ever since I stood there in your arms, trying hard not to let you go, but you left anyway. I will never forget that fateful night.

:: Life became a bit harder for me. But it was not even close to matching the hardship and suffering that the Japanese have to endure. So I will stand up and stand strong because I can. I still have my family, my awesome friends, I still have a home waiting for me with open arms. So no, I will not give up just because of you.

:: I do still miss you...every single moment of the day.....

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