Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My life changed that night you walked out on me

Things started to go downhill since the beginning of 2011.
Career wise:
- I did not get the job I really wanted.
- I failed to get an interview for another job.
- I was not successful at the interview for a position I have been doing for the past 3 years.
- Things went pearshaped with the bosses at my workplace, compromise could not be reached.
- Eventually I resigned.

Relationship wise:
- Things didn't work out. Enough said.

Since March, I have had my heart broken for the 100th times, quit my job, packed my house in which I have lived for the last 4 years, packed my bags and left the country.

My life changed that night you walked out on me.

As much as I try to deny it, there definitely is no doubt that I left the country because of you.
As much as I say I hated work and I really did, I stopped coping because of you.
As much as I want to re-evaluate my directions in life, I am running away from you and the memories of you.
As much as I know you don't love me, I still miss you every single day.
As much as I know I have to forget you, the thoughts of you keep popping up in my head.
As much as I am smiling on the outside, my heart still hurts so badly.

Will this pain ever go away.....

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